Tuesday, September 11, 2012

CASS Certification Impacts Little And Big ... - Sky Marketing, ltd.

Businesses have been using Direct mail as one of the most effective means of marketing. Direct mail has only benefited big business because they are capable of investing large sums of money that is required to meet the stipulations of preparing it. Small businesses have been unlucky to use direct mail because they lacked or feared losing enormous amount of resources that are needed to install CASS certification software. Those days when survival in the market was for the fittest are gone.

The United States Postal Services on December 21, 2010 issued a press release and stated that they were going to expand simplified addressing. This would benefit the small businesses to also take advantage of direct mailing. Previously, small businesses were not able to enjoy direct mailing due to high costs that were associated with Coding Accuracy Support Systems and other associated software.

Many businesses that could not use the services due to high cost of verification status in the address list by use of the necessary software due to high costs. In present years, it is not mandatory for small businesses to use this technology and software. The software that is necessary for verification status has benefited many businesses because it lowers the costs of operation and does not require a lot of formalities to operate.

By 2010, the United States Postal Service had anticipated a deficit of $238 billion and had installed in grocery stores and other places self serve kiosks to try bridge the anticipated deficit. They also had plans that were to be used in elimination of Saturday deliveries and to restructure retiree benefits. With this plans in place, it was anticipated that $123 billion [half the deficit amount] was going to be cut.

They have also rolled out plans to stop deliveries on Saturdays and streamline retiree benefit schemes. Such move will reduce the operation cost and other unnecessary spending in the business. These new strategies that will be incorporated with other plans will enable the organization to reduce the arrears by $123 billion.

Reduction will be a major boast for the organization to maximize profits. The world has witnessed a lot of transformation in terms of technological changes, and this has made many organizations to change how they approach business. The United States Postal Service has managed to reduce deficit because it has successfully incorporated new product ideas and new marketing skills.

The emergence of internet has made the organization to witness a drop in profit margins as well as increase in arrears. This is because the modern generation has a preference on modern web enabled options and sophisticated gadgets. The USPS has come up with new ideas that seek to meet the taste of the client and some of the incentives which include new simplified direct mail addressing which will enable the organization to penetrate into newer markets and keep old customers.

The time when small businesses were bullied out of the way because they did not have enough funds to compete with big companies are over. CASS certification has ensured that all companies in the present age have equal and fair chances of surviving in the harsh economical jungle that exists. This will eventually encourage entrepreneurship and help small businesses mushroom up into bigger companies.

You can visit the website www.roadrunnerprintmail.com for more helpful information about Significance Of CASS Certification On Large And Small Businesses

Source: http://skymarketingltd.com/marketing/cass-certification-impacts-little-and-big-companies-alike

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