Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Prevent Further Injury By Wearing An Ankle Brace | New Health and ...

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

It is a must that we always be healthy, uninjured, and comfortable when we perform sports and other intense athletic activities. However, during the practice of these said activities, it is often inevitable that injuries on our feet, ankles, and legs result. As such, ankle braces are being employed to allow us to get through the game while preventing-as well as healing-injuries.

Keeping a broken or sprained ankle from moving in a way that would prevent the injury from healing or re-injure the bones and joints of the ankle, an ankle brace works by providing physical restraint to the ankle. Also, the ankle ligaments?-which consist of the anterior talofibula ligament, calceneofibula ligament, deltoid ligament, tolonavicular ligament, and posterior talofibula ligament-supporting action is being reinforced with the use of ankle braces. The use of these types of braces also compresses the area around the Achilles tendon and joint, and hence, lessening the risks of edema and swelling.

Ankle braces can be purchased in three general types, though most are custom fit and ordered through a physician. These are the lace up braces, post-injury braces, and stirrup braces. Lace-up braces are those often used to prevent injuries and are made from nylon-vinyl material while post-injury braces are those used after an injury to push out swelling and prevent inversion and eversion. On the other hand, those braces that allow the ankle to move up and down and to roll in or out are called stirrup braces.

Various injuries and conditions require the use of ankle braces. Most often, these braces are being employed after an injury. They are used to expedite the healing process while allowing the patient to perform his/her day-to-day activities by absorbing the shocks brought about by these tasks. Patients suffering from medical conditions such as arthritis and Parkinson?s disease are also often seen using ankle braces. These braces allow patients of said conditions the mobility they need without flaring up the joints. Also, people with flatfeet-where the foot has no arch on the sole-and foot drop-where one has trouble lifting the front part of the foot-also employs ankle braces to keep their feet in a normal position.

Ankle braces, as mentioned, may be purchased over the counter in medical shops and sports retailers. As such, it is a must that once exercise caution before making any purchase decision. To determine the kind of ankle brace to shop for, the first thing one should determine is his/her needs. Then, it is also important to consider one?s day-to-day activities. Identifying these activities would help one determine the features to look for when shopping for ankle braces. Most importantly, one should seek the help of health professionals in order to identify the most appropriate types of ankle braces that should be used for the desired purpose of the brace.

Ankle braces are a great tool that provides support and prevent injuries to the ankle. Also, as opposed to many beliefs that the use of these braces weakens the ankle, ankle braces actually-as proven already by various studies conducted-strengthens it.

Jorge Camacho is a professional basketball player from Germany. As his chosen field often puts strain on his legs and ankles, Jorge always wears ankle brace, also known as ?Fussgelenkorthese? in the German language, to prevent injuries on his ankles when performing his favorite his favorite sport activity.

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