Sunday, June 23, 2013

Champions needed for an Order of Peace Keepers and Guardians

I'm currently seeking more players for a revered order of champions and peacekeepers on a planet within the Multiverse Roleplay. Characters of all nature are welcome. The Patronus order may be steeped in honor and sacrifice, but it is compromised of individuals with their own minds, desires, and morality that may or may not fall in line with that of the order. Members could be valiant and noble champions, misguided zealots, or perhaps criminals looking to bring the order down from the inside.

Though the Patronus order is largely comprised of fantasy based characters, the Multiverse is a sandbox style RP in which all genres are welcomed and embraced in a mixup of realms and worlds spanning between archaic and primitive to highly fantastical lands, and over to sci-fi and everything else in between.

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me via this thread or PM.

5 years ago

Bound together by a common cause, The Patronus grew to its prime at the peak of the Orsa of Terminus' rise to power. With its sworn foe defeated these legendary warriors have scattered across the verse to resume their lives, but old ties are not easily severed. With a kinship forged through blood and sacrifice, perhaps these champions of old only await a time when Terra might have need of their strength once more, a time where one might call them back together again.


The call has been sounded across the realms for all with a heroes heart. Whether you be old, young, veteran, novice, or wayward soul in need of new beginnings, all with the seed of a champion within them will feel the tug of the resonating call. The compulsion to seek out the temple from your dreams calls you northward into the icy peaks of Aslund on the planet of Terra.

The Patronus is an order of peace keepers sworn to the defense of Terra. Warriors, scholars, ambassadors, teachers, heroes and even reformed criminals, the patroni come from all walks of life before swearing off home and country in favor of a deeper purpose. Though The Patronus exists outside of the authority of any singular governmental body and maintains a stance of neutrality on matters of political strife, its members frequently serve in the capacity of ambassadors and negotiators to assist in stemming conflicts.

The Patronus is comprised of several branches and splinter groups all across Terra; though, its primary place of operation is located within the Icy Peaks of Aslund. The temple situated atop the snowy mountains was built to honor the fallen heroes who lay down their lives for Terra and it serves both as a place of remembrance and as a symbol of hope where new patronri are trained to one day join the ranks of these venerable champions.

Though once a prominent and revered order, The Patronus has only just begun to regain its former presence within Terra. With a life-long service that spans generations of blood and sacrifice, this order still commands a great deal of respect, but its global influence has waned with the years. Will this ancient and archaic order rise to the challenge of claiming a place for itself in a changing world, or will it succumb to the ravages of time and fading memories.


nhl Espn Nba paul mccartney bruins Jimmy Hoffa Rick Rubin The Wolf of Wall Street

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