Monday, July 15, 2013

Baseball: Dad's dream comes true for Dodgers' Ricky Nolasco

By J.P. Hoornstra Staff Writer

One night many years ago, Emilio Nolasco was driving the familiar route from Dodger Stadium to his home in Rialto. His youngest son, Enrique - "Ricky," as the world would know him - was in the car. Ricky couldn't have been more than 2 years old.

This was just like any other drive home after a Dodgers game, except that Emilio indulged a crazy thought. He thought about the name of the outfielder he'd been yelling all night.

"Right now it's Rick Monday. Maybe someday it'll be Ricky Nolasco."

Crazy, right?

Today, Nolasco will pitch at Dodger Stadium for the third time in his major-league career. For the first time, he will be wearing a Dodgers uniform.

"It's a dream come true," the elder Nolasco said.

When he was 25, Emilio Nolasco came to the United States from Mexico and found work with a sheet metal company in Los Angeles. He became a devout fan of the local baseball team, a passion that was enabled every time his boss gave out a portion of his season-ticket stash to Nolasco, his wife and his three children.

Emilio's dream had its origins even before Ricky, now 30, was born. It's caught on with a few people in the meantime.

Nolasco was acquired from the Miami Marlins in a July 6 trade for three minor-league pitchers and made his first start for the Dodgers on Tuesday.

About 40 local well-wishers sojourned to Phoenix for the occasion. It was roughly the same camp of 40 that drove or flew to see

Nolasco pitch every time the Marlins came to San Francisco, San Diego, Phoenix or Los Angeles.

The group includes Nolasco's parents, uncles, cousins, siblings and teammates from high school and Little League.

Sunday, the group will be larger, "in the few hundreds or so," Ricky Nolasco said.

Nolasco's older brother, David, lost count.

"It's nuts," David Nolasco said. "His phone hasn't stopped ringing since he's been traded. It's even to the point where some people he hasn't talked to in how long are asking for his number, for tickets."

The pitcher believes this is a great thing. He's already gotten the first game in a Dodgers uniform out of the way, and the team couldn't have asked for much more than the seven innings of four-hit ball Nolasco pitched in a 6-1 victory Tuesday.

"I'm an easy-going guy so I felt like I was able to use that (adrenaline) on the mound," Nolasco said. "It's the same game, just a different uniform."

Scott Russell, Nolasco's coach at Rialto High School, agrees.

"He'll be fine," Russell said. "I was glad to see his first start was in Arizona for that very reason - to get the jitters out. He's a big leaguer. He's an experienced pitcher. He knows how to keep his emotions in control. He'll be fine."

His brother isn't so sure.

David Nolasco says he's felt nervous before two of Ricky's games. One was April 5, 2006, when Ricky made his major-league debut in relief against the Houston Astros. The other was his 214th major-league game, Tuesday in Phoenix.

"I didn't want him to go out with a lot of emotions and let that take over," David Nolasco said. "Those times were probably the only times I was nervous. Probably Sunday will be the third time."

As a result, David has a policy.

"I told a lot of people that I don't want him worrying about a pass list, tickets, the first couple weeks," David Nolasco said. "I told them he's just going to leave a pass list for only a couple family and close friends. I don't want to take away from what he's doing on the mound. It kind of worries me because i know him as a person. He wants to help everybody and make sure everybody goes. I want him to focus on pitching. It's been a circus the last week."

Dodgers manager Don Mattingly has seen it before, the hometown kid pitching for the first time with friends and family looking on. The atmosphere, he believes, either works for you or against you, with little room in between.

Heck, there was a time Mattingly himself wanted to play for either the Cincinnati Reds or St. Louis Cardinals, the teams he followed growing up.

(Maybe Mattingly is the only one who didn't always imagine himself playing in Yankee pinstripes.) That changed over time.

"You think about all the family you have to deal with, people coming out of the woodwork," he said. "`I remember playing against you in Little League.' You just want to do your job."

It's in the Dodgers' best interests that Nolasco feels right at home right away. While Clayton Kershaw, Zack Greinke and Hyun-Jin Ryu entered the weekend series against Colorado with a combined 22-10 record, their other starters were 8-18.

Nolasco, who had a 5-8 record and 3.85 earned-run average for the Marlins this season, is expected to restore some balance to the back end of the rotation.

"It's kind of a shot in the arm for the team," Mattingly said. "This helps."

General manager Ned Colletti said he's had his eye on Nolasco awhile but had to wait for him to become available.

"Ricky isn't someone who's going to lose his focus or competitiveness because he is pitching close to where he grew up," Colletti said. "If anything, in his case, it could make him better."

To Nolasco's family, the trade to the Dodgers was more than a shot in the arm. It's the wild fantasy Ricky wouldn't indulge while trade rumors circled in recent weeks.

Rather than imagine himself wearing Dodger blue, Ricky said, he always tried to stay even-keel.

His father did not.

"Always we wished that he could pitch for the Dodgers," Emilio Nolasco said. "He pitched in Dodger Stadium for the Marlins, but not for the Dodgers. I really wanted to see if the Dodgers could get him.

"When he called me and said `I've been traded to the Dodgers,' I was kind of screaming to myself. It was good news for me, for Ricky and for everyone in the family."


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[unable to retrieve full-text content]Artificial and natural knowledge researchers IQ-tested one of the best available artificial intelligence systems and learned that it's about as smart as the average 4-year-old.


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Sunday, July 14, 2013



Idris is the homeland of the Shadowhunters and is protected by Demon Towers, forcing demons out and protecting the city, the only way to bring them down is to wipe demon blood on them from the inside?an almost impossible feat.
Idris is in Europe. It is a small country between Germany and France, with protective spells and wardings all around, all over the borders, preventing mundanes from entering. When they attempt to cross the border into Idris, they are simply transported into the next border without noticing.

Idris is mostly forest, littered with vampire nests and werewolf packs. There are mountains that can only be crossed in high summer without freezing to death. There is a small system of towns throughout Idris. These towns are not very big and are all sort of oriented around the one city, Alicante, which is also known as the Glass City.


Alicante is the only city in Idris. It is often called the Glass City because of the presence of the Demon Towers that guard the city against demon attacks, reflecting light and looking like glass. The entire city is lit and powered by witchlight. The houses throughout the city are built from all eras. The Gard, the meeting place for the Clave, sits atop a hill at the edge of the city. There are stores throughout the entire city that display and sell a wide array of objects from weapons to clothes.

Government and politics

The Nephilim follow a strict set of rules set out in the Shadowhunter's Codex. There are many rules and guidelines that must be followed.

The Clave

The Clave is the general organization of all Nephilim, particularly, it is the governing body of the world of half-humans, headed by the Council.
The Clave has different branches in different areas of the world, with Institutes are the seats of power. Every active Shadowhunter in an area belongs to a certain Clave, such as the Conclave in New York, Enclave in London.

The Covenant

Covenant is the Law upheld by the Clave.


The goal of the Nephilim is to end the plague of demons on Earth. They are dispatched to every place on Earth to fight against demon hordes. The fight even continues after death. Their bones are used, as the bones of demon hunters are powerful protection, to fortify important buildings.


As with all populations, the Nephilim have developed their own culture and traditions. They have traditions and habits that, though not official laws, are expected of them.


Newborn Shadowhunters have spells cast on them to protect their minds from demonic influences. These rituals protect the Shadowhunters from demon visions for example. The rituals are performed by a Silent Brother and an Iron Sister.


"The ritual is taken from the Song of Solomon. 'Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death.'"

The color of marriage is gold. Shadowhunter women generally wear gold dresses and men black ceremonial gear, marked with gold runes. Marriages are often done in The Accords Hall in Alicante. The Shadowhunters mark each other with permanent runes of love and commitment over their heart and arm, signifying their love and devotion toward one another.


Relationships with mundane, and any other species other than fellow Nephilim, are generally looked down upon by the Clave. However, a Shadowhunter may marry a mundane if one chooses to, but they must leave the Clave and are stripped of their Marks. In the old days, another choice was for their lover to ascend, which meant drinking from the mortal cup to become a Shadowhunter if approved by the Clave. This was soon outlawed because it did not always work and sometimes ended with the mundane becoming Forsaken, suffering a lot of pain, or going mad.
Since Nephilim blood is dominant, if a Shadowhunter has children with a mundane, their children will still be Nephilim.

There are three rules for those who leave the Clave. First, the Shadowhunter must sever contact with any and all Shadowhunters they have ever known, even their own family. Second, they cannot call upon the Clave for help. And third, the Clave can still lay claim to their children.


In the 1800's, Long before it was outlawed and discovered to be dangerous, Shadowhunter who wish to marry mundandes may appeal to the Clave to have their lover turned into a Shadowhunter through a process called Ascension. After the Shadowhunter applies to the Clave for an Ascension for their partner, the Clave is required to consider it for at least three months, and the mundane will be studying to learn about Shadowhunter culture. Mundanes who Ascend to become a Shadowhunter may then choose their own Shadowhunter last name, and may pick from one of the old Nephilim names.


Shadowhunters often die young. The fight against demons kills off many of them. Therefore, when a Shadowhunter dies in battle, the words Ave Atque Vale and their name are spoken. This means "hail and farewell" in Latin. Their bodies are burned to ashes and laid in the tombs. The color of funerals is white. They do not use black because that is the color of fighting and it isn't appropriate. They also wear red runes for mourning.


Parabatai is the term for two Shadowhunters who fight alongside each other. These Shadowhunters are partners and are particularly close to each other. Shadowhunters must choose their parabatai before they turn 18.
The runes drawn by one's parabatai are stronger than those used by another. Also, there are some runes that can only be used by parabatai. It is forbidden for two parabatai to fall in love with each other. If this happens, they will be separated. Most Shadowhunters don't have a parabatai, so they are not very common. In a Shadowhunters life, they can only have one parabatai, even if their partner dies.


"Black for hunting through the night
For death and mourning, the color?s white.
Gold for a bride in her wedding gown,
And red to call enchantment down.
White silk when our bodies burn,
Blue banners when the lost return.
Flame for the birth of a Nephilim,
And to wash away our sins.
Gray for knowledge best untold,
Bone for those who don't grow old.
Saffron lights the victory march,
Green will mend our broken hearts.
Silver for the demon towers,
And bronze to summon wicked powers.?

?Shadowhunter children's rhyme

Colors mean different things to Shadowhunters than they do to mundanes. Black is the color of their gear; white is for mourning; gold for weddings and red is ceremonial.


Downworlders are hybrid creatures. It is the widely used term to refer to beings that are said to be part human and part demon, even said to be the demonic counterpart of Nephilim, who are part human and part Angel.
Downworlders include the Children of the Moon (Werewolves), the Children of the Night (Vampires), the Children of Lilith (Warlocks) and the Fair Folk (Faeries). Also mentioned are peris, ifrits, nixies, and mermaids. Although once mentioned by Jace, it was never made clear if zombies really counted as Downworlders or if this was a joke.

Downworlders cannot be Marked, but can share Shadowhunter abilities, thanks to the Alliance Rune, created by Clary Fray, which is the only rune they can be Marked with.

Every fifteen years, the Accords are signed between the Downworlders and the Clave, the Nephilim. According to the Accords, as long as the rules stated here are not broken, they can live in peace without bother and may even provide each other help when the need ever rises. Also, each of the four races has been accorded a seat on the Nephilim council as of the third installment in the Mortal Instruments series, City of Glass.


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A response to the Association of Water and Energy Research Malaysia?s allegations - SEDA

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Source: --- Saturday, July 13, 2013
In response to Mr. Piarapakaran S., the President of Association of Water and Energy Research Malaysia (AWER) who submitted a letter to several news publications on ?Parliament must push to close down Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA)?, published on 11th July 2013, the following are the issues raised by the writer which SEDA Malaysia ... ? ? ? ? ...


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Protesters of Zimmerman acquittal march in Calif.

Jason Redmond / Reuters

A protester in support of Trayvon Martin in Los Angeles after the acquittal of George Zimmerman late Saturday.

By Alastair Jamieson, Staff writer, NBC News

Trayvon Martin supporters, many dressed in hoodies, are demonstrating their anger at the acquittal of George Zimmerman through mostly peaceful protests from coast to coast.

About 200 people marched down Mission Street in San Francisco on Saturday night at 8 p.m. local time (11 p.m. ET) carrying yellow signs that said ?the whole system is racist? and ?the people say guilty,? reported.

MSNBC's Craig Melvin reports from outside the Sanford court house, which has been peaceful with the exception of some chants of "no justice, no peace" and "the system failed us." Aerial footage in San Francisco shows a march seemingly in protest of the verdict in the George Zimmerman trial

A large protest in New York is was scheduled for 2 p.m. Sunday in Union Square and there are dozens of other protests planned around the country throughout the day.

Saturday night?s march in San Francisco dispersed peacefully a little after 10 p.m. local time (1 a.m. ET), but a similar protest in downtown Oakland ended with numerous buildings and cars being vandalized and protesters setting random fires, reported.

The verdict also sparked protests in Los Angeles, where police said about 200 demonstrators gathered in Leimert Park, the AP said.

The Sacramento Bee reported that protesters in the California capital chanted: "What do we want? Justice. When do you we want it? Now. For who? Trayvon."

Local churches across the country were also organizing rallies and urging supporters to wear hoodies in honor of Martin, who was wearing a black hoodie when Zimmerman shot him in the chest on Feb. 26, 2012.

George Zimmerman has sued NBC Universal for defamation. The company strongly denies the allegation.



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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Is This 5-Inch Phone BlackBerry's New Hope?

Is This 5-Inch Phone BlackBerry's New Hope?

Looks like BlackBerry?s might be interested in getting in on the enormo-phone scene, with the first leaked image of a phone destined to be known as the A10 seemingly confirming the existence of a 5-inch model?that could upgrade the Z10 with curvier lines and a newer version of BB?s mobile software.

According to the image, obtained by BGR, the A10 is known internally under the development name Aristo, and is pictured running version 10.2 of BlackBerry?s latest OS. The phone itself appears to be a little more rounded than the Z10, with the display said to be a Super AMOLED model running at 1280 x 720 resolution and an unspecified dual-core processor managing the business. It wouldn't be surprising if BlackBerry is contemplating a super-sized phone?but for now, we'll have to wait and see. [BGR via CrackBerry]

Is This 5-Inch Phone BlackBerry's New Hope?

Gizmodo UK is gobbling up the news in a different timezone?so check them out if you need another Giz fix.


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